Women Who Print, Fall 2024, Mari Art Collective, online exhibition
5th edition, l'AppArt, Brussels, Belgium, BE
Untitled, Whitegrid Gallery, Berlin
Anonymous Drawings, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
ALLES VI, Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin
Focus on Abstraction 2024, Stadtgalerie Raumimpuls, Waidhofen an der Ybbs, AT
Silhouettes, ZF Project Space, Berlin (solo)
Sky, Stone, Clay mural, art in public space, Berlin
Everyone but Caspar, Künstlerhaus Sootbörn, Hamburg
All in - All out, ZF Project Space, Berlin
Spatial Intervention, mit Katja Pudor, ZF Project Space, Berlin
Paperdolls, GE 59 Art-Work Space, Berlin (solo)
The State of the World, Gmünder Kunstverein e.V., Schwäbisch Gmünd
Tomorrow, Schloss & Gut Liebenberg
Soft Body Scarf Animation, NFTs published at Objkt.com
Accrochage, Galerie 149, Bremerhaven
Archive Sale, Galerie Auslage, Berlin
Blind Vision, Treptow-Ateliers e.V., Berlin
ALLES IV, Studio im Hochhaus, Berlin
Soft Body, Galerie Auslage (solo)
Candela, Pavillon am Milchhof, Berlin
100 unter 1000, Schindler Lab, Potsdam
Domino 3, Salve, Berlin
Stonewashed, Artspace, Bremerhaven
Scapinelli´s Deal, Galerie 149, Bremerhaven (solo)
0+255 Studiogalerie, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin
the thief of tomorrow, top e.V., Berlin
Identity sucks, Reclaim Award, art in public space, Cologne
0+255 Bonn, Künstlerforum, Bonn
What matters, Nachtspeicher e.V., Hamburg
Domizil, Pop-Up Exhibition, Art Week Berlin
focus on abstraction, Pavillon Milchhof, Berlin
to put on paper, open Studio, Berlin
0+255, Meinblau Projektraum e.V., Berlin
Nerfect, Raum Vollreinigung, Berlin (solo)
Auseinanderlaufen, Berlin-Weekly, Berlin (solo)
Preview 2019, Nachtspeicher e.V., Hamburg
Ursula_Salon, Gallery Ursula Walter, Dresden
Ufer open, Uferhallen, Berlin
Where is Philadelphia? Gut Philadelphia, Storkow
SW, Berlin-Weekly, Berlin
Modest Monuments, with Karwath+Todisko, saasfee*pavillon, Frankfurt a.M. (solo)
Le Zoo de Madame Y, Benhadj & Djilali Gallery, Berlin
megabock, open studio, Uferhallen, Berlin
Slight Show, mit Karwath+Todisko, Kunsthalle am Hamburger Platz, Berlin (solo)
Re(a)lations, mit Ivonne Dippmann, Glue @ M1, Berlin
Open Pieces, Benhadj & Djilali Gallery, Berlin
Temporary Paradise, Rainbow Unicorn Gallery, Berlin
2015 Felder, Benhadj & Djilali Gallery, Berlin (solo)
364, Gallery Ursula Walter, Dresden
In the Wilderness of Mirrors, Gallery Ursula Walter, Dresden
Fashion Show, Matches, Project Gallery, Berlin
Fashion Show, Modequartier 21, Museumsquartier, Wien
Zeichnung und Kleidung, Galerie Grün, Berlin-Köpenick
Olympia, Miss Hecker, Berlin (solo)
Fashion Show, Baltic Fashion Award, Usedom
Trendvision, Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
Fashion Show, unusual, Basel
D&A, fashion week Tokyo
Fashion Show, Sony Ericsson, Düsseldorf
Phosphor, Villa Caprice Store, Berlin
Fashion Show, Faux Pas, Prag
Neon, Aroma Gallery, Berlin (solo)
That ́s glamorous now, Aroma Gallery, Berlin (solo)
That ́s glamorous now, Kunsthochschule Weißensee, Berlin
Fashion Show, Trompete, Berlin
That ́s glamorous now, Guerilla Posters, Berlin
Painting in Maschenmode, Gallery Maschenmode, Berlin
"London Biennale", 291 Gallery, London